Russian officials barred from using iPhones in meetings: Report

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) recently reported the discovery of “anomalies” in certain iPhones used in Russia, including devices used by members of the country’s diplomatic missions. The FSB attributed these anomalies to “malicious software” associated with surveillance operations conducted by American intelligence services, reported the Moscow Times.

FSB claims Apple’s privacy policy inaccurate, alleges collaboration with NSA

The presence of the detected malware has led the FSB to assert that Apple’s proclaimed user privacy policy does not align with reality. The agency suggests that the situation indicates close collaboration between Apple and the US National Security Agency (NSA).

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30% of Russian presidential administration employees still use iPhones

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has disclosed that around 30 percent of employees in the Russian presidential administration continue to use iPhones for personal communication, even as concerns regarding the security of these devices persist.

Earlier this year, fears of potential espionage led to a ban on Kremlin staff involved in President Vladimir Putin’s 2024 re-election campaign from using iPhones. The prohibition was reported by the Kommersant daily in March and was implemented following a deliberation at a seminar near Moscow, with the final decision resting in the hands of Sergei Kiriyenko, the Kremlin’s first deputy chief of staff.

The Kremlin maintains the belief that iPhones are more susceptible to hacking and espionage by Western specialists when compared to other smartphone brands. This perception has had an impact on the choices made by Russian officials and managers at state-owned enterprises regarding the use of iPhones.

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However, despite these concerns and restrictions, a significant number of Russian officials and managers from state-owned enterprises were observed using iPhones during the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. This observation highlights the existence of varying practices and viewpoints on the matter of iPhone security within the Russian establishment.

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