Russia reacts on PM Modi’s ‘not an era of war’ remark; calls out West for misquoting

A week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi held bilateral talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and advised him that ‘today’s era is not of war’, Moscow has reacted to the comments.

Reportedly, Russia’s Ambassador to India Denis Alipov, while addressing a press conference was asked about PM Modi’s comment to which he stated that the West was misconstruing the statement. 

“The West uses only those quotes that suit them while ignoring other parts.” said the Russian ambassador.

The Russian envoy also added that New Delhi’s version was consistent with its position on the issue since the beginning. 

As reported extensively by WION, during a meeting with Putin in Samarkand, PM Modi, in quite frank terms conveyed his position to the Russian leader.

“I know that today’s era is not an era of war, and I have spoken to you on the phone about this.” said PM Modi while adding that democracy, diplomacy and dialogue have kept the world together.

WATCH | ‘This is not as era of war’: Indian PM Modi tells Russian President Putin on sidelines of SCO summit

In reply, Putin said, “I know your position on the conflict in Ukraine, your concerns that you constantly express,”

“We will do our best to stop this as soon as possible. However, unfortunately, the opposing side, the leadership of Ukraine, announced its refusal to continue negotiations and declared that they wanted to achieve their goals by military means, as they say ‘on the battlefield’. But nevertheless, we will always keep you informed of what is happening there.” added the Russian President. 

Since then, the western countries have lauded PM Modi’s statement and tried to use it as a point to pressurise Moscow. 

“I think what you heard in Uzbekistan by both the leaders of China and in India are indicative of the fact that Mr Putin doesn’t have a whole lot of sympathetic ears out there to what he’s been doing in Ukraine,” said John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council in the White House.

Read more: ‘Putin is isolating himself’, says White House stressing on PM Modi’s message to Russian President

Furthermore, US secretary of state Antony Blinken stated that what India and China communicated to Russia reflected the concerns of the world. 

“What you’re hearing from China, from India, is reflective of concerns around the world about the effects of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.” said Blinken.

(With inputs from agencies)





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