Russia blames US ‘toxicity and animosity’ for cancellation of key nuclear talks

Russia on Tuesday held the US’ “toxicity and animosity” responsible for Moscow pulling out of key nuclear arms talks with Washington in Cairo this week.

Just a day earlier on Monday, the nation announced that the talks scheduled to take place between November 29 and December 6 would now be held at “a later date”.

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As per Reuters Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova “in strongly worded comments” accused Washington of trying to manipulate the New START treaty to its advantage, however, she claimed that her country remains committed to it.

The New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) treaty is the last agreement of its kind between the world’s two main nuclear powers.

“Across all spheres, we are seeing the highest level of toxicity and hostility from Washington,” said Zakharova, accusing the US of unleashing a “total hybrid war” against her country. She added that talks cannot be held under current circumstances.

Following Russia backing out of the talks on Monday, the US State Department as per AFP said it was “ready to reschedule at the earliest possible date as resuming inspections is a priority for sustaining the treaty as an instrument of stability”.

Zakharova remarked that it was impossible for the US talks to Russia about “transparency and predictability” in the military sphere, even as  it continues to help Ukraine “kill our troops and civilians in Russian regions.”

Due to Russia’s invasion of its neighbour Ukraine, relations between Washington and Moscow as per Reuters have plunged to their most confrontational point in 60 years. The Russian aggression has triggered a slew of sanctions by the West, a movement led by the United States.

(With inputs from agencies)

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