Rick Scott touts that his new post-midterms GOP roadmap will ‘strike fear’ with some Republicans

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ORLANDO, Fla. – Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., predicts that his new wide-ranging plan that could serve as an agenda for the Senate GOP if they win back the chamber’s majority in November’s midterm elections “is going to be ridiculed by the left, mocked by Washington insiders and strike fear in the heart of some Republicans.”

In an interview Saturday with Fox News and in a speech minutes later in front of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the oldest and largest annual gathering of leaders and activists on the right, Scott argued that “if the Republicans return to Washington’s business as usual, if we have no bigger plan than to be a speed bump on the road to America’s collapse, we actually don’t deserve to govern.”

The former health care executive who later won election and reelection as Florida governor on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping 11-point conservative proposal titled “My Plan to Rescue America” which is chock-full of 128 specific policy ideas. Scott’s the current chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), the reelection arm of the Senate GOP, but proposals – which he’s promoting with a massive ad blitz – are a personal plan and not a product of the NRSC.


The proposals call for eliminating racial politics, finishing the border wall and naming it after former President Donald Trump, treating socialism as a foreign adversary, and calls on children in schools across America to say the pledge of allegiance, salute the Flag, and learn that America is a great country.

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022, in Orlando, Fla. 
(AP Photo/John Raoux)

Scott’s plan appears to fly in the face of the path being taken by longtime Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who’s worked hard to frame the midterms as a referendum on the agenda of President Biden and congressional Democrats and who has refrained from laying out a formal GOP policy list.

“We know his [Biden’s] agenda is very unpopular, but I’ve talked Mitch McConnell about this. He agrees that our candidates are going to have to have plans,” Scott told Fox News.

The Senate is currently split 50/50 between the two major parties but the Democrats hold the majority thanks to the tie breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris through her Constitutional role as president of the Senate. That means the GOP needs a net gain of just one seat in November to win back the chamber they lost when they were swept on Jan. 5, 2021 in Georgia’s twin Senate runoff elections.


“The American people are going to give a complete butt kicking to the Democrats this November,” Scott predicted in his CPAC speech.

And he argued that some Republicans are going to complain about his plan. “They’ll go with anonymous quotes. They’ll argue that Democrats will use it against us in the election. I hope they do because my response is – bring it on. We have no fear for standing up for what is right to rescuing this country.”

Scott was attending CPAC just a few days after holding a private meeting with Donald Trump at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Sources confirm to Fox News a Politico report that Trump once again urged Scott to run for majority leader following November’s elections.

Asked by Fox News if he is considering – in the wake of his meeting with Trump – a challenge against McConnell for Senate Republican leader, Scott said no.


My focus to represent my state of Florida. My focus is to make sure we win a majority back in the Senate,” Scott said. “When I talk to the president, what we talk about is how we’re going to win the Senate. He’s very focused on making sure we get the Senate back and he’s been very helpful.”

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