Prosecutors ask for life sentences for 12 men at trial for Paris terror attack

On 13th November 2015 Paris, the capital of France was under a series of coordinated Islamist terrorist attacks. The attacks begin at 9:15 pm and were on the Stade de France stadium, bars and restaurants and a rock gig at the Bataclan concert hall.

As the biggest criminal trial ever held in France has entered its final weeks, French prosecutors have demanded life sentences for the 12 men at trial for the attack.

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All the evidences are reviewed but still many questions remain unanswered. 

The attacks killed 130 people and injured more than 490.

The key accused, Salah Abdeslam, is believed to be the last survivor from the 10 men who struck the city. Most of them killed themselves or were killed by police.

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The prosecutor Camille Hennetier told the court of the “cruelty of the terrorists who fired again and again and took pleasure in killing”, and said the attacks were mostly prepared outside France.

Abdeslam, 32, a Brussels-born French citizen, who is also alleged to be a part of the attack, told the court that he had backed out of the attack at a bar, however the prosecutors said his explosive belt simply malfunctioned.

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Many prosecutors believe that many things “still remain in the dark”.

Mohammed Abrini, another accused had also been part of the group in Paris, after which he returned to Belgium. He was later arrested after the March 2016 attacks in the Brussels airport and subway. 

“Salah Abdeslam and Mohammed Abrini made no mystery of their jihadi engagement, but both tried to cover the tracks about their ideas”, the Paris prosecutor Nicolas Le Bris told the court.

The verdict is expected on 29 June.


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