Pro-Bolsonaro supporters breach security barriers and break into Brazilian Congress | CNN


Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro breached security barriers set up by the Armed Forces and gained access to the country’s congressional building Sunday, according to CNN Brasil.

Footage shown on Sunday showed massive crowds walking up a ramp that leads to the building.

The protesters had reached the Green Room, located outside the lower House of Congress’ chamber, Interim Senate President Veneziano Vital do Rogo told CNN Brasil. CNN Brasil also reported some of the protesters are trying to break into Planalto Presidential Palace.

The breach of the congressional building comes about a week after the inauguration of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whose return to power after a 12-year hiatus comes after he defeated Bolsonaro in a run-off election on October 30.

Supporters of Bolsonaro – who has left Brazil and is currently in the United States – have been camped out in the capital of Brasilia since then.

President Lula is currently not in the palace and neither house of Congress is currently in session.

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