POLLS ARE CLOSED: Virginia General Election 2023

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Welcome to the 8News live blog for the Virginia General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023.

Voters across Virginia have started making their way to the polls for an election that has drawn national attention on key issues like abortion rights. All 140 Virginia General Assembly seats are on the line — with some candidates running unopposed.

The 8News team will collect photos and stories throughout the day that are reflected in the updates below. For more updates, check out the latest election results. And if you have an Election Day tip or issue to report, email us at news@wric.com.

7 p.m.

The polls have closed! According to the Code of Virginia, officers of election should list the names of all qualified voters in the line before the polling place closes at 7 p.m. and permit those voters and no others to vote afterward.

Stay updated on the latest election results here.

6 p.m.

Voters at Westridge Elementary School in Prince William County were able to cast their votes without a line as Election Day began to come to an end. As voters made their way from the parking lot to the building, they passed numerous campaign signs.

3:30 p.m.

Voters in Gloucester County have been streaming in at the Abingdon Ruritan Club building in the Hayes area. Voters were seen in line as they made their way forward to cast their ballots.

3 p.m.

Some Henrico County voters in the area of Dumbarton have been making their way to the county’s Recreation and Parks building to cast their votes. A steady flow of foot traffic could be seen throughout the voting areas.

2 p.m.

Viewers have been reporting smooth voting experiences thus far. Bon Secours Training Center reached the 350th voter shortly after 12:40 p.m.

12:30 p.m.

Voters are now turning out in numbers across the Commonwealth, some before work, others on early lunch breaks. Volunteers are continuing to work with residents, handing out sample ballots, answering questions and providing guidance.

10:30 a.m.

A number of candidates for today’s election have shared the moment of their vote with followers on social media. Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney announced that he cast his ballot earlier this morning and encouraged others to do the same. A similar sentiment was echoed by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin.

9 a.m.

8News spoke with some registered voters who made their way to the Richmond Public Library’s Main Library earlier this morning.

“Definitely come out and make your voice heard it’s super easy,” said Ashley Higgins. “It took me two minutes maybe. It’s really important.”

Higgins wasn’t the only voter who spoke to 8News about the importance of voting.

“I’m a veteran and retired law enforcement so I feel like this — it impacts everyone,” said Terrel Snead. “Don’t let people who don’t impact you make your choices for you.”

8 a.m.

Voters are now starting to make their way to the polls in earnest. Signage surrounds polling locations with campaign slogans and helpful directions.

7 a.m.

Those registered voters who also happen to be early risers started making their way to voting locations shortly after polls opened.

The Richmond Public Library’s Main Library has started welcoming residents to the Gellman Room to cast their ballots.

6 a.m.

The polls have officially opened!  voters can head to their polling locations from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. You will still be able to vote as long as you are in line by 7 p.m. when the polls close.

Use the online Polling Place Lookup tool to find where you can go to vote. This online resource will also show which candidates are on your ballot and provide information on the voting process.

The only thing you need to bring to your polling place is an acceptable form of identification. A list of acceptable forms of ID can be found on the Virginia Department of Elections website. If you forget to bring acceptable identification, you can vote a provisional ballot.

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