PHOTOS: Va. Orchid Society’s Show and Sale celebrates 75 years of blossoming talent and community

HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — The Virginia Orchid Society celebrated its 75th anniversary this last weekend of February with a “Show and Sale” at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, drawing crowds of those in a hurry to welcome spring.

This event, with its theme “Orchids: Let’s Celebrate,” marks the 75th anniversary of the Virginia Orchid Society. Irina Neverova, the Virginia Orchid Society’s president, said it all started with a few green thumbs, a few orchids and a garage. Now, they’re about 70 passionate members strong.

This annual event, however, is especially important to the society, according to Neverova.

“We’re not only sharing the love for the orchids, and showing [them] to the public — but we’re also sharing our knowledge,” Neverova said, referring to the lectures offered at the show. “One of the mandates of our society is to share that knowledge with the public.”

Those interested in seeing the beautiful greenery and, of course, the lovingly-raised orchids, only have one more day to do so. The event, free with admission to the Garden, began its three-day run on Friday, Feb. 23. Its final day is Sunday, Feb. 25, with operating hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Attendees are welcome to attend these informative lectures at no cost. Hundreds of orchids are on also sale for those interested in taking some home, however.

Keep scrolling to see some of the beautiful flowers and eager crowds that gathered during Saturday’s showing.

The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)
The Virginia Orchid Society’s annual Show and Sale, held at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. (Photos: William Berksteiner/8News)

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