North Texas superintendent orders books removed from schools, targeting titles about transgender people

Granbury ISD Superintendent Dr. Jeremy K. Glenn listens as trustees discuss agenda items at a GISD school board meeting in G…

Lou Whiting in their home in Granbury, TX on March 21, 2022. “I’ve had my fair share of active hate against me, and my frien…

Lou Whiting in their home in Granbury, TX on March 21, 2022. “I’ve had my fair share of active hate against me, and my frien…

‘A very conservative board’

Lou Whiting has their own copy of “This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, but it is one of the many books that the Granbury ISD s…

Lou Whiting has their own copy of “This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, but it is one of the many books that the Granbury ISD s…

LGBTQ students push back

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