North Arkansas teacher cancer free year after diagnosis

HIGHLAND, Ark. (KAIT) – Friday was a day of celebration for teacher Blake Medlock and the Highland School District.

Medlock was diagnosed with cancer in October of 2021, and now a year later, he rings the bell with a clean bill of health.

The Highland School District surprised Coach Medlock with the celebration after initially being led to believe it was a celebration for the school’s Cross Country team that won two district championships on Wednesday.

Around 9:30 Friday morning, Medlock entered the school’s football field to a round of applause from the entire district.

Medlock said during treatment, there were thoughts that he might not make it to this moment.

“You know we had bad news, upon bad news, upon bad news. I thought we were finished after surgery, and they had found some stuff—a little bit of cancer. I had to go through another chemotherapy round. When they finally gave me the CT scan that was all clear, it was the most wonderful sound I’ve heard. It was amazing.”

And when we asked about the community and school report that Medlock had received, he became emotional but stressed how thankful he was.

“You know, I’m nothing super special. I love the kids, and they know I love them. It’s just unreal. I can’t explain it. I don’t understand why they just came around like they did and did all this stuff. It’s the most humbling thing I have ever been through in my life.”

On top of the school’s district championships, Coach Medlock was honored with the District Coach of the Year title.

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