Nikki Haley’s Financial Disclosures Show Speaking Fees and Other Income

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador, earned at least $1.2 million — and as much as $12 million — from speaking engagements in the year leading up to her entry into the presidential race, according to her personal financial disclosure form.

The disclosure, filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission, also shows that Ms. Haley is still on the board of United Homes Group, one of the largest homebuilders in the Southeast and a public company in which she owns stock.

The filing shows how Ms. Haley parlayed her experience in the Trump administration and the governor’s office into lucrative opportunities in the private sector, and how those commitments have carried over into her presidential campaign.

Presidential candidates typically resign from corporate boards soon after entering the race, to avoid the appearance of any conflicts.

A spokeswoman for Ms. Haley did not comment on the filing, or on Ms. Haley’s continued service on the United Homes board.

Ms. Haley listed a dozen speaking engagements, for each of which she reported an honorarium between $100,001 and $1 million. They included events at the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs in Montreal, Barclays Services Corporation in New York, and Water Street Healthcare Partners in Chicago.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Ms. Haley had received stock options from United Homes worth close to $300,000 on March 30, about six weeks after she entered the presidential race.

In the filing, Ms. Haley reported owning between $250,000 and $500,000 worth of stock in Great Southern Homes, which became United Homes when it went public through a merger.

Ms. Haley’s filing also showed she earned $100,000 to $1 million in royalties for the book she wrote in late 2022, “If You Want Something Done,” which is a series of vignettes of women who inspired her. She reported no royalties on two previous books.

Ms. Haley also reported that she is a senior adviser at Prism Global Management, which is described on its LinkedIn page as a “US-based investment platform targeting growth-stage disruptive innovators in US and Asia.”

She reported between $100,000 and $1 million in consulting fees from Prism.

The filing shows that Ms. Haley also owns up to $250,000 in stock in Boeing, the aerospace giant on whose board she served for about a year after leaving the Trump administration. She resigned from the Boeing board in March 2020, saying she disagreed with the company’s decision to seek Covid-related federal aid.

Shane Goldmacher contributed reporting.

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