News Journal archives, Sept. 25

“Pages of history” features excerpts from The News Journal archives including the Wilmington Morning News and The Evening Journal.

Sept. 26, 1957, Wilmington Morning News

Bayonets clamp quiet on Little Rock; High school integrated by iron fist

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Nine Black students put in their first full integrated class day at Central High School yesterday, shepherded to and from classes by tough, seasoned U.S. Army paratroopers.

Awed by the bayonet-pointed display of military force at the school, the city remained quiet last night.

There were minor disorders by white non-student crowds outside the two-block square school during the day. But inside a cautious harmony prevailed in classrooms and hallways. White and Black students shared luncheon tables in the cafeteria….

Students of both races exchanged smiles, talked with each other and made tentative gestures of friendship. Attempts were also made to pressure other white students to boycott the integrated classes.

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