New stop signs installed at Hull Street, 5th Street to improve traffic safety in Richmond

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The City of Richmond recently finalized work on a new stop sign project along Hull Street and East 5th Street which officials say will improve driving conditions for the area.

Prior to the installation, drivers in the high-traffic intersection could legally cruise right through the zone. However, they will now be met with stop signs in each direction.

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney told 8News that the project is part of the City’s efforts to improve safety and congestion in the Manchester neighborhood.

“With a lot of growth comes a lot of cars and a lot more pedestrians, a lot more cyclists as well,” Stoney said. “We want people to stay safe.”

However, doing so requires effort on the part of drivers. Even with 8News cameras on them, some drivers still failed to make a proper stop. Many drivers throughout the day breezed through the intersection. One driver slammed on his brakes and yelled out that the new signs were an “accident waiting to happen.”

“I know that this isn’t a panacea,” Mayor Stoney said. “We recognize that this takes everyone doing their part.”

For some pedestrians — like Lauren Taylor — the new layout has already made a difference.

“Now I can cross in the middle here instead of going up to the stoplight,” she said.

The Richmond resident and her dog cross the busy, noisy, construction-adjacent street multiple times a day.

“For me personally, it’s made a huge difference,” Taylor said. “I think it also slows the traffic speed going down Hull, which is nice too.”

According to City officials, an estimated 15,000 cars drive through the affected part of Hull Street every single day. The new stop signs are just one approach to making the roads safer. Previously, the City also installed 167 speed tables and Stoney claims officials have put $91 million into aiding the streets since around 2016.

“Here’s the thing,” Stoney said. “One traffic fatality in the city is one too many.”

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