Moscow concert hall attack: Crocus toll rises to 133; Russia’s FSB says 11 suspects detained

Russia has detained 11 people in connection with the concert hall attack in Moscow that killed 133 people and injured more than 140 others, the state news agency Tass reported on Saturday (Mar 23). This development was communicated to President Vladimir Putin by the head of the country’s Federal Security Service.  

Russian state news agency RIA Novosti said that according to the Investigative Committee, 133 people have died. 

The Investigative Committee reported on its Telegram channel, “At the site of the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert hall, when emergency services cleared the rubble, more bodies were found. Thus, the death toll currently stands at 133 people.”

The Kremlin said that FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov had reported to Putin about the detention of terrorists who participated in the attack on Crocus City Hall.

“FSB director Bortnikov reported to Putin about the detention of 11 people, all four terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack,” the presidential press service said.

On Friday, camouflage-clad gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons at concertgoers at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near the capital where, a concert of the Picnic group was to take place.  

The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on affiliated channels on social media.

Deadliest attack since 2004 Beslan schools siege

Gunmen sprayed civilians with bullets just before Soviet-era rock group “Picnic” was to perform to a full house at the 6,200-seat Crocus City Hall.

This was the deadliest attack in Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege that lasted for three days and more than 300 people were killed. 

Videos circulating on social media showed people taking their seats in the hall, then rushing for the exits as repeated gunfire echoed above screams. Other videos showed men shooting at groups of people. Some victims lay motionless in pools of blood.

‘Heard sounds like firecrackers’

Recalling the attack, Chinese student Chen Yiming said he heard sounds like those of firecrackers but had no clue what was happening. “Then, I saw loads of people running. They told me in Russian that there was a shooting or something. But I still don’t know what happened. So, I came to this hill on the west side of the mall following the first bunch of retreating folks. As we’re about 700 metres away from the mall we should be safe for now,” Chen told the news agency Reuters.

The United States (US) had warned Russia in recent weeks about the possibility of a terror attack – a move they said prompted the US embassy in Moscow to issue a warning to Americans.

Two weeks ago, the US embassy in Russia warned that “extremists” had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow.

(With inputs from agencies)

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