Morning news brief: Russia to cut off gas supplies to Europe, Liz-Sunak first TV debate gets tense and more

Russia will once again cut off gas supplies to Europe, dealing a blow to countries that have supported Ukraine at a time when there was a hope that the economic pressures might ease this week with the reopening of the Black Sea grain exports. In other news, during the hour-long debate facilitated by the BBC, the two candidates for the Conservative leadership Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak were seen having some heated exchanges during the first head-to-head TV debate. The former vice chancellor Sunak launched tirades against Truss’ economic ideas. The two candidates traded jabs regarding tax cuts, China, and inflation. Finally, the leader of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City, Pope Francis, expressed regret for the “evil committed by so many Christians against the indigenous peoples” of Canada. 

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Economic revival hope after Russia-Ukraine grain deal crashes as Russia cuts gas supply to Europe

Despite a Russian air strike over the weekend against the Ukrainian port of Odesa, the United Nations said the first ships from Ukraine might set sail in days as part of a deal reached on Friday. The largest crisis in Europe since World War Two, now in its sixth month, is having an impact far from Ukraine as seen by rising oil prices and the prospect of famine faced by millions in impoverished countries.

Conservative leadership race: Sparks fly in first TV debate between Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss

While Sunak said that Truss’ tax cut plan would “tip millions of people into misery” and can cost the Conservatives the next election, Truss shot back saying that tax rises brought in by her former cabinet colleague would lead to a recession.

Liz Truss promised that she would undo the rise in National Insurance, a planned rise in corporation tax, and would temporarily scrap green levies on energy bills to be paid for through borrowing if elected to be the leader of the Conservative Party.

Pope Francis laments Church’s cooperation in ‘cultural destruction’

Lamenting the Church’s cooperation in what he described as “cultural destruction,” he kicked off a week-long trip to Canada.

Francis, who is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus, will visit a former residential school and meet with indigenous people in Canada.

Francis, who is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus, will visit a former residential school and meet with indigenous people in Canada.

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