Morning news brief: N.Korea’s hypersonic missile, Italy’s new covid vaccine mandate and more

Here are some of the top stories to start off your day: US president Joe Biden to address the nation on the one year anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riots, during a press briefing about the event, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki aiming at former President Donald Trump, said that the President is going to speak the truth, “not the lies” that some have spread since. In other news, a recent report by Human Rights Watch alleges that Ethiopia has been detaining, abusing Tigayran refugees. Reportedly the detained refugees have been subjected to forced labour, physical abuse. 

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‘Strategic significance’: North Korea confirms hypersonic missile test

A day following an alleged ballistic missile launch by North Korea, Kim Jong-Un’s regime confirmed it had tested a hypersonic missile. Biden administration officials condemned North Korea’s latest missile launch as a “violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions”. 

Italy toughens vaccination rules, mandates jab for those over 50

Italy’s government announced that vaccination against COVID-19 would be mandatory for individuals over 50 starting on February 15. The measure will be in place until June 15

Beaten, abused; Ethiopia detained, abused Tigrayans deported from Saudi, reports Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch reports that thousands of Tigrayans have been held in Ethiopia after being deported from Saudi Arabia, suffering atrocious conditions and brutal treatment from guards in both countries. According to the group, Tigrayans have been subjected to repeated abuses in Ethiopia, including being beaten with rubber or wooden rods, denied access to their families, and forced labour.

Joe Biden to blame Donald Trump for ‘singular responsibility’ in January 6 ‘chaos and carnage’: White House

US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will address the nation on the first anniversary of the attack against Congress on January 6. Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, said on Wednesday that US President Joe Biden will speak about what happened last year when the US Capitol was attacked. 

Watch | Report: Suicide battalion to be part of Taliban Army in Afghanistan

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