Morning news brief: Biden calls Putin ‘war criminal’; ‘kidnapped’ mayor of Melitopol freed, and more

Here are some of the top stories to start your day: President Joe Biden for the first time referred to Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal.” Biden’s remarks are described by the Kremlin as “unacceptable and unforgivable rhetoric.” Meanwhile, the ‘kidnapped’ mayor of Melitopol is freed. 

Click on headlines to read the full report: 

Russia condemns US President Biden for calling Putin ‘war criminal’

As the US supplies $1 billion in arms to Ukraine, President Joe Biden for the first time referred to Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal.” Biden’s remarks are described by the Kremlin as “unacceptable and unforgivable rhetoric.” 

Russia attacks Mariupol theatre sheltering ‘hundreds’ of civilians

US and Ukrainian officials have said that Russian forces killed civilians waiting in line for bread and sheltering in a theatre in the besieged port city of Mariupol. Click Here to get live updates on Russia-Ukraine conflict


‘Kidnapped’ mayor of Melitopol is freed after being swapped for nine Russian soldiers

On Wednesday, Ukraine handed over nine detained Russian soldiers in order to gain the release of Melitopol’s mayor, who was detained last week, according to the Interfax Ukraine news agency.

Melitopol's mayor

Zelensky compares Russian invasion to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor attack; Putin says invasion on course

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky compared the ongoing invasion by Russia to 9/11 and the Pearl Harbor attack, which forced the United States to get involved in World War II. 

Volodymyr Zelensky

WATCH | Gravitas: Ukraine war triggers global food crisis

Ukraine and Russia make up more than 25% of global wheat exports. They also export 75% of the world’s sunflower oil. The war in Ukraine could sever supply lines and trigger a food crisis. Palki Sharma tells you more.


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