More than half of dog owners are suspicious of rabies vaccines: study

Vaccine hesitancy has extended to pets, a new study found.

A new wave of vaccine suspicion has extended to our pets, a new study found.

Published Sunday in the journal Vaccine, the study surveyed 2,200 people on their opinions regarding routine vaccinations given to pet dogs, specifically rabies vaccines.

Of those polled, 37% believe canine vaccination is unsafe, 22% feel it’s ineffective and 30% find it unnecessary. Overall, a whopping 53% hold at least one of these beliefs.

The results surprised Matt and Gabriella Motta, the brother-sister duo who conducted the study alongside co-researcher Dominik Stecula.

“We were pretty surprised because we knew that this phenomenon would exist, anecdotally we had good reason to believe that it was, but we were pretty stunned,” Matt Motta, a political scientist and researcher at Boston University’s School of Public Health, told USA TODAY. “The sheer volume of people who hold these opinions was quite striking…that, to me, is pretty alarming.”

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