Live updates: Ukraine-Russia crisis

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed “concern” about the situation in Ukraine in a phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a statement Tuesday from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“China is concerned about (the) evolution of situation in Ukraine,” and the “legitimate security concerns of any country should be respected,” Wang said during the call. 

“The purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be upheld,” Wang said, adding that the situation in Ukraine is “closely related to the delay” in implementing the Minsk agreement, referring to a 2015 set of protocols designed to end conflict in eastern Ukraine but which have never been been fully implemented.

China urged all parties to “exercise restraint, recognize the importance of implementing the principle of indivisible security, ease the situation and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation,” Wang said, according to the statement.

He added that China will continue its contact with “all parties based on the merits of the matter.”

The China-Russia friendship: Beijing is navigating a complex position as it attempts to balance deepening ties with Moscow with its practiced foreign policy of staunchly defending state sovereignty.

Though not military allies, China and Russia have been presenting an increasingly united front in the face of what they view as Western interference into their respective affairs and regions.

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