Live updates: Speaker of the House vote and news

Kevin McCarthy, center left, arrives to the House chamber on Friday. (Alex Brandon/AP)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy is not giving up on his House speakership bid — he has been nominated for the 12th round of voting by Rep. Mike Garcia.

“This is actually not about Kevin McCarthy,” he said, instead pointing to a variety of other larger national issues lawmakers need to address.

“The matters before us are of stupendous magnitude,” he said, adding that the House needs someone who will serve the country with “pure and selfless intent, just as our founding fathers did.”

“Victory begins with allowing this body to get to work,” Garcia said, adding that the way the nation wins is by working together. “It begins today.”

Negotiators have been working to try to get a deal. They hope to get some of the 20 Republican lawmakers who oppose McCarthy to help get him elected.

Some McCarthy allies have expressed optimism about the talks, saying they are making “progress” and that McCarthy could pick up some votes today. His path to the speakership is still uncertain.

Rep. Matt Gaetz again nominated Rep. Jim Jordan for speakership.

“We do not trust Mr. McCarthy with power. Because we know who he will use it for and we are concerned it will not be for the American people. We trust Jim Jordan,” he said.

McCarthy staff advised members to walk out while Gaetz was speaking.

And Rep. Lauren Boebert nominated Rep. Kevin Hern. She said she believes Hern can unite the Republican coalition.

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