A 9-year-old girl and a 42-year-old woman died while three others sustained critical injuries following a house fire in Little Creek Sunday afternoon.
Several people were trapped inside the burning two-story home as firefighters arrived at the blaze, which was reported shortly after 12 p.m. in the 300 block of Main Street, according to Assistant State Fire Marshal Michael G. Chionchio.

Firefighters rescued multiple people before five of them, including the 9-year-old girl and 42-year-old woman, were taken to a nearby hospital with smoke inhalation and burns, officials said. The woman and girl died at the hospital.
The three other occupants of the house remain in critical condition and two of them are expected to be transferred to the Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland, Pennsylvania.

Chionchio estimates the damage at $100,000. The fire remains under investigation.
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Contact the reporter at jcastaneda1@delawareonline.com or connect with him on Twitter @joseicastaneda.