Latest news on hearing to weigh crimes

Congress’ 18-month investigation into former President Donald Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol attack will come to a close this week, with the final meeting of the House panel investigating the attack taking place Monday.

Committee members have suggested that the former president could face criminal charges for the attack. The committee will vote on whether to make non-binding criminal referrals to the Justice Department later Monday.

Bennie Thompson: Trump summoned ‘armed and angry mob’ to Capitol

Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman, said Monday former President Donald Trump broke faith with American democracy by refusing to acknowledge he lost the 2020 election and then trying to overturn the results.

“In the end, he summoned a mob to Washington and knowing they were armed and angry, pointed them to the Capitol and told them to ‘fight like hell,’” Thompson said. “There is no doubt about this.”

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