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Officials are holding four virtual town halls this month in an effort to improve Kentucky’s foster care system.
A statement from the Administrative Office of the Courts says anyone interested in making the system better is encouraged to attend one of the regional meetings, which are being hosted by Citizen Foster Care Review Boards.
The first meeting on Sept. 19 will be held for residents of Bullitt, Fayette and Jefferson counties. A meeting on Sept. 21 will be for residents of central Kentucky, a meeting on Sept. 27 will be for residents of western Kentucky, and a meeting on Sept. 30 will be for residents of eastern Kentucky. Registration is required.
Kentucky officials are holding town halls to hear how the state can improve its foster care system.
The meetings will focus on support for relatives and fictive kin caregivers who take in children who would otherwise be placed in unfamiliar foster homes. A fictive kin caregiver has close ties to a child or family, but isn’t related.
Findings from the meetings will be reported to the state Citizen Foster Care Review Board.