Jury convicts Adam Fox, Barry Croft

In a do-over for the government, a federal jury in Grand Rapids has convicted two men charged with plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer out of anger over her handling of the pandemic. 

Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. were judged by a second, more diverse jury than in the first trial, which ended with no convictions for the government. Two men were acquitted in that trial and the jury deadlocked on charges against Fox and Croft Jr., triggering a mistrial that prompted the government to try again.

More:Feds try to salvage Whitmer kidnap case in closing arguments: ‘They wanted to execute her’

More:Defense urges Whitmer kidnap jury to acquit: ‘Send this show packing … this isn’t Russia’

The historic case highlighted the growth of violent extremism in America, with prosecutors maintaining that Fox, Croft and four other militia members plotted to kidnap the governor from her vacation home out of anger over her lockdown orders and mask mandates. 

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