Journalists travelling with Biden warned to stop stealing from Air Force One

In a surprising turn of events, the White House has told journalists to stop stealing from United States President Joe Biden’s official aircraft, Air Force One.

A detailed probe into the widespread theft by the White House press corps caused a stir in the US capital on Friday (Mar 26).

“For years, scores of journalists — and others — have quietly stuffed everything from engraved whiskey tumblers to wine glasses to pretty much anything with the Air Force One insignia on it into their bag before stepping off the plane,” reported newspaper Politico.

The White House Correspondents’ Association issued a stern warning to its members via an email stating that the items the journalists stole from the press cabin as souvenirs, did not go unnoticed.

The US president is always accompanied by 13 journalists in his Boeing whenever he travels outside for official purposes.

Their travel expense, along with the meals and drinks served in-flight, are taken care of by the media outlets.

Little packages of M&M’s chocolates with the presidential seal and the US leader’s signature are handed out by the crew as memorabilia.

Items like glasses and other Air Force One-branded accessories are also available for purchase online.

However, Politico’s report noted that the press section aboard the president’s official plane was not contended by this and highlighted that sounds of plates and glassware could be heard rattling from their respective luggage as they got off.

In an instance, as mentioned in the report, a former White House correspondent who worked for a prominent newspaper once threw a dinner party where he served food on a set of gold-rimmed Air Force One plates that had been stolen over time.

The report further said that one journalist paid heed to the severe criticism from the correspondents’ association and returned an embroidered pillowcase following a meeting with a press official in a park across from the White House.

“The pillowcase changed hands, and that was that.”

(With inputs from agencies) 

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