Italy heightens surveillance of underwater cables after Nord Stream pipeline leaks, says report

In the backdrop of a series of leaks and blasts that rocked the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, the Italian government has upped its surveillance on underwater cables, according to a report by Reuters.

The threat of underwater energy and telecommunications cables being targeted has grown manifold in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Back in 2020, NATO ministers had discussed the threat of Russian submarines causing potential damage to the underwater internet cables by cutting or tapping them. 

To get ahead of the curve, the Italian Navy in July signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the country’s largest private cable provider viz. Sparkle to ensure that undersea internet cables are protected.

Read more: Nord Stream leak: Powerful blasts recorded in leakage areas

“The Italian Navy is one of the main pillars of national maritime cluster and works daily to defend and support it. We have professional competences and skills to perform submarine operations and today, also thanks to Sparkle, an important process begins that gives the right attention to the underwater dimension of Italy, a maritime country with 8,000 km of coastline, at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea,” Chief of the Italian Navy, Admiral Enrico Credendino Credendino was quoted as saying after the signing of the MoU. 

The Italian Navy intends to use submarines to monitor the cables and ensure that no untoward incident happens around them. The Italian Navy is building four upgraded NFS (Near Future Submarine) to level up its capabilities and replace its older Sauro-class vessels.

Modern technology and increased espionage capabilities have allowed enemy parties to use underwater as another frontier to execute their deceitful plans. The internet cables laid down in the Atlantic Ocean in recent times entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Strait of Gibraltar. They exit through the Suez Canbal and run to Asia and West Asia. 

According to experts, these cables, which carry over 95 per cent of the world’s internet volume are extremely critical and require increased surveillance. 

As reported extensively by WION, Nord Stream 1 and 2 are major pipelines that transmit gas from western Siberia in Russia to Europe. The pipelines have been a major focus of geopolitical tension as Russia chose to reduce gas supply as retaliation to western sanctions in the wake of the Ukraine war.

The recent leaks have started a blame game among the stakeholders. While Russia remains adamant that is not responsible for the blasts or leaks, the West accuses Kremlin of sabotage. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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