In search of Muslim wife in her 20s, UK man puts up ad on billboards

In search of a Muslim wife in her 20s, UK man puts up ad on billboards

A 29-year-old bachelor from the United Kingdom has used an unusual method to find a wife.

Muhammad Malik has placed an advertisement on billboards in London and Birmingham in search of his future partner.

“Save me from an arranged marriage,” read the billboards, which featured an image of a relaxed Malik.

He stated that while he is not opposed to arranged marriages, he would prefer to “find someone on my own first.”

According to Birmingham Live, Malik has set up a website named ‘’ and purchased multiple advertisement hoardings throughout Birmingham to hunt for a potential life mate.

In the billboards, Malik is seen smiling as he jokingly asks to be “saved” from an arranged marriage. “I just haven’t found the right girl yet. It’s tough out there. I had to get a billboard to get seen! ” he clarifies on his website.

“My ideal partner would be a Muslim woman in her 20s, who’s striving to better her deen. I’m open to any ethnicity, but I’ve got a loud Punjabi family – so you’d need to keep with the bants. Always personality and faith over anything else!, ” the 29-year-old wrote on his website.

(With inputs from agencies)

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