In pictures: Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson performs during the MTV Europe Music Awards on November 4, 2018, in Bilbao, Spain. A two-part documentary about the pop star premieres Friday 1/28 on Lifetime and A&E.

Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images

Updated 1427 GMT (2227 HKT) January 27, 2022

Janet Jackson performs during the MTV Europe Music Awards on November 4, 2018, in Bilbao, Spain. A two-part documentary about the pop star premieres Friday 1/28 on Lifetime and A&E.

Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images

Janet Jackson is retaking control of her own narrative.

More than three decades after her blockbuster third album, “Control,” heralded her as one of the biggest pop stars of her generation, the intensely private performer has a new documentary coming January 28 on Lifetime and A&E.

The film, titled simply “Janet Jackson,” explores her musical legacy and her role as a cultural icon. It also addresses some of the biggest questions about her life and career, including her relationship with her late brother Michael and the aftermath of the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show in which Justin Timberlake briefly exposed her breast.

“It’s just something that needs to be done,” she says in a trailer for the two-part documentary, explaining why she approved the project and signed on as an executive producer.

Jackson has won five Grammys, sold more than 100 million records, appeared in movies and been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But the Super Bowl incident, dubbed “Nipplegate,” damaged her career — unfairly, in the eyes of many fans — and reportedly led to her losing out on some acting roles.

She has been steadfastly supportive of Michael Jackson, her extremely talented but troubled older brother, who died in 2009 and whose later career was dogged by allegations of sexual abuse.

In recent years Janet Jackson has continued to record and tour, although she has largely kept a lower profile since the Super Bowl fiasco. In 2017, at age 50, she gave birth to her first child, a son, with then-husband Wissam Al Mana.

In the documentary, Janet Jackson’s peers describe her as a “legend, warrior, blueprint and greatest show woman.” Her songs changed the sound, choreography and presentation of pop music, and her influence lives on.

Here’s a look at her life and career, in photos.

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