IAEA chief at UN World Security Council meet warns over possible North Korea nuclear tests

North Korea has yet again made yo headlines for its nuclear tests.

The director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi in a meeting with the UN World Security Council on Ukraine said that the world is holding its breath over the possibility that North Korea might conduct a nuclear test. 

Also read | If North Korea holds nuclear test, there’ll be ‘unparalleled scale of response’, warn US, Japan, South Korea

Grossi said, “Everybody is holding its breath about this, because another nuclear test would be yet another confirmation of a program which is moving full steam ahead, in a way that is incredibly, incredibly concerning.”

He further told the reporters that the country is preparing for upcoming tests and building its arsenal. Grossi said that because of all this, they repaying special attention to the matter and are hoping that doesn’t happen, AFP reported. 

He added that he did not believe that the tests will happen right away. 

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Grossi said, ” We see preparation, we see lots of things, but in terms of degrees of imminency, no.”

This is not the first time that the world has been warned about North Korea. 

The United States has been issuing a warning that Pyongyang is preparing to conduct a nuclear test, which will include demonstrations of small and long-range ballistic missiles. 

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North Korea’s neighbours South Korea and Japan are currently extremely anxious about the situation. 

The US, Japan and South Korea have been warning that if North Korea holds the nuclear test, there’ll be an ‘unparalleled scale of response.’ 

Tensions rose after North Korea started firing ballistic missiles since the beginning of this year. 

(With inputs from agencies)



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