‘I have a castle’,’ This is a very unfair trial’: Top quotes from Trump’s appearance in civil fraud trial

As Donald Trump testified at his civil fraud trial on Monday in New York, he used the witness stand to lash out at the judge handling the case and brag about his wealth. 

During the trial, Trump faced questions about his net worth and the value of his assets. However, instead of answering the questions directly, he rambled about his wealth, properties and his grievances with the justice system. He also lashed out at Justice Arthur Engoron overseeing the case. Engoron said Trump’s answers were repetitive and irrelevant, Reuters reported.

Here’s what Donald Trump said in his fight with the judge at his civil fraud trial. 

‘I have a castle’

Kevin Wallace, a New York state lawyer, questioned the former US President if he built any houses in Aberdeen, Scotland, between 2013 and 2014, as the value of his property raised significantly. To this, Trump replied, “I have a castle.” He did not answer the posed question directly.

Trump also referred to a residential development in Aberdeen and said, “I just don’t want to build it now. You’ve probably read that I’m doing other things.”

‘You’ve made it important, but it wasn’t’

During his testimony, Trump admitted that his company provided inaccurate property value estimates to banks. He said that properties like his Mar-a-Lago estate and Doral golf course in Florida were undervalued, while others like his Trump Tower residence in New York and his Seven Springs estate were overvalued. 

However, the former president claimed that it should not matter as the property estimates stated that they might not be accurate, and banks did not take them seriously. 

“You’ve made it important, but it wasn’t,” Trump said to the New York Attorney General’s office that brought the case.

‘This is a very unfair trial, very, very, very unfair’

As the day wore on, Donald Trump grew agitated. He made incendiary remarks about Justice Arthur Engoron and New York Attorney General Letitia James, which he routinely made in the previous trial last month. 

“This is a very unfair trial, very, very unfair, and I hope the public is watching,” said Trump.

‘The fraud is on the court, not on me’

Trump slammed Letitia James, the petitioner, multiple times during the trial. He said, “This is a political witch hunt, and I think she should be ashamed of herself.”

He also attacked the attorney general by saying, “People don’t know how good a company I’ve built. Because people like you go around trying to demean me and hurt me.”

He also criticised the judge by saying, “He called me a fraud and didn’t know anything about me.” However, the judge retaliated, “Read my opinion perhaps or for the first time.” Trump replied, “I think it’s fraudulent, the decision. The fraud is on the court, not on me.”

(With inputs from agencies)

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