How to report, and host, Lincoln’s new flying squirrels

It’s already working. The site got its first report Thursday morning from a homeowner near 40th and Normal, who included photos of flying squirrels squatting in his birdhouse taken in 2020 and 2021.

The site also has detailed plans for building and installing nesting boxes. The design was perfected by Don Althoff, a flying squirrel researcher in Ohio who has built and installed 400 boxes. But he also has East Campus connections — he earned his master’s degree there in 1978 and, in the past few weeks, has shared his expertise with Powell and others.

Powell hopes homeowners use the plans to build their own boxes, and that they agree to participate in the research project. That could mean allowing UNL students and instructors and Game and Parks staff to come inspect the boxes, or it could be as easy as emailing any flying squirrel activity updates.

The website also includes a reminder: Flying squirrels are considered a threatened species in Nebraska, and shouldn’t be disturbed without a special permit.

“And you don’t want to handle them anyway, because they have nice big teeth, even though they’re little cute critters.”

The lone nesting box on East Campus will soon be joined by more. Once students return for the spring semester, Powell and School of Natural Resources director John Carroll plan to host what they’re calling a box-raising party.

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