Whether you just moved to Delaware or need to find a new dentist for another reason, the process of scheduling a dental visit can sometimes feel like a discouraging cycle.
Maybe you’ve been there: You reach out to friends for recommendations, and with every phone call, you hit walls because the dentist office is short-staffed, not accepting new patients or scheduling appointments months in advance.
This is a story that is affecting patients nationwide, but Delaware has long had challenges related to accessing dental care – and it’s now become an even more pressing area of need in some of the quickest-growing areas like Sussex County.
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While many Delaware dentists acknowledge that staffing – including that of dental assistants and hygienists – is a challenge right now, some like Dr. Josh Bryan point out that there are still dentists looking for patients. People just need to know where to find them.
“It’s not just that there aren’t dentists available, it’s that there can be a problem connecting with the dentist who you want to see,” said Bryan, who is the president of the Delaware State Dental Society and practices general dentistry in Lewes.
He gave a few suggestions for where people can go if they need help finding a dentist.
Some helpful websites, phone numbers
https://findadentist.ada.org – This website is run by the American Dental Association, which is the parent organization of the Delaware State Dental Society. People can enter their zip code and search by distance, specialty or even a dentist’s name.
https://delawarestatedentalsociety.org/dentists/find.html – This is the Dental Society’s specific search tool for finding a dentist in Delaware. The society’s website also has other resources and contact information.
If you wish to call the Delaware State Dental Society, you can ring 302-368-7634.
The state Department of Health and Social Services also has information on its website, including a guide with more resources related to Medicaid and private insurance: https://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/hsm/files/dentalresourceguide.pdf.
If a patient is insured, they can also contact their insurance provider for a list of dentists who are in the area and work in-network.

Other tips, advice for finding a dentist
Once someone gets through to a dental office, practitioners like Bryan emphasize that it’s important to know the best questions to ask.
If patients are having a medical emergency or are in pain, Bryan advises people share that information with the dental office so they can get them the care they need or direct them to a specialist.
Lastly, several dentists and other health professionals have repeatedly reminded people that preventative care is vital to oral health and that taking care of one’s teeth is often linked to overall health. Studies have shown that good oral health can prevent infections or even related illnesses like cardiovascular disease.
While someone may have an aversion or fear of going to the dentist, these medical professionals urge them to find a dentist that makes them feel welcome and can provide the best quality care.
Emily Lytle covers Sussex County from the inland towns to the beaches, with a focus on health-related issues. Got a story she should tell? Contact her at elytle@delmarvanow.com or 302-332-0370. Follow her on Twitter at @emily3lytle.