Indian jewellery designer Yatindra Mishra on Thursday (Jan 25) shared the details of the challenges his team faced to finalise the jewellery that was adorned by the Shri Ram Lalla idol.
Mishra delved into spiritual texts such as Adhyatma Ramayan, Shrimad Valmiki Ramayan, Ramcharitmanas, and Yamunacharya’s Alavandar Stotra to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of each ornament.
“We had very little time. We had only 15-16 days after the idol prepared by Arun Yogiraj was finalised,” Mishra told news agency ANI, highlighting the demanding timeline of just 15-16 days.
Rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and gold were meticulously used to craft each ornament to create the spectacle of divine brilliance.
How Ram Lalla’s regal outfit was designed?
The regal outfit donned by the idol, designed by Manish Tripathi, took inspiration from a divine connection, guiding him through this sacred task.
Tripathi told the Press Trust of India, “We got a pitambari (yellow) cloth prepared for the lord in Kashi (Varanasi), along with silk, gold, and silver wires used in the clothing material.” The embroidery on the outfit featured Vaishnavite symbols, adding a profound touch to the divine ensemble.
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Describing the challenges faced in conceptualisation, Tripathi shared, “The biggest challenge was to prepare a cloth which suits the grandeur of a prince and a god. I prayed to god to show me the way, and he showed me signs and gave wisdom so that I could prepare apt clothing for him.”
I have no words for the love people are showering: Arun Yogiraj
The culmination of this exceptional craftspersonship was witnessed at the Pran Pratishtha (consecration) ceremony of Ram Lalla at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Attended by about 8,000 invitees, including 1,500-1,600 eminent guests, the grand ceremony unveiled the idol after an hour-long ritual that was led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Expressing gratitude, Arun Yogiraj, the sculptor behind the idol, stated, “I have no words for the love people are showering on me. I am so indebted to God for this opportunity. The stone used for making the idol of Lord Ram is from Mysuru district. I think it is Lord Ram’s blessing that I got the opportunity.”
(With inputs from agencies)