How casino workers are pushing to ban smoking in Atlantic City

For Pete Naccarelli, working the casino floor at the Borgata during the pandemic felt like a holiday — and not because there were fewer gamblers.

Smoking was banned during the past two years, a nod to the respiratory infection COVID-19 that has taken so many lives.

But as soon as Gov. Phil Murphy lifted the temporary ban on smoking as pandemic restrictions were eased, the foul air returned.

Literally within minutes, the ashtrays were back on the gaming tables, customers were alerted that smoking was again permitted in limited areas, and Naccarelli’s workplace resumed its dangerous and dreary existence amid secondhand smoke, he said.

The temporary holiday was over. But a new workers’ revolt was ignited.

Naccarelli and two other dealers, Nicole Vitola and Lamont White, went to Facebook and formed Casino Employees Against Smoking’s (Harmful) Effects, and they soon got in the face of the legislators in Trenton, demanding they close a loophole exempting Atlantic City’s nine casinos from the state’s 16-year-old ban on indoor smoking.

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