High levels of lead detected in Indiana water lines, here’s what one company is doing about it

by: Dr. Mary Gillis, D.Ed.

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INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — High levels of lead have been detected in the water lines across parts of Indiana. This has prompted healthcare company, CareSource, to join forces with digital safety monitoring company, 120Water, in an effort to clean up the state’s water supply. 

“Through the partnership with 120Water, we will work to remove lead lines from the water supply in the state of Indiana,” Steve Smitherman, Indiana Market President at CareSource, told News 8. “Indiana currently has the 8th most lead lines in the country. There are about 290,000 lead lines that water is running through. With this collaboration we’re really hoping that we can deliver a stronger effort toward delivering public health benefits to communities especially those in need.” 

Smitherman says lead contaminated water poses tremendous threats. In children, it’s linked to hearing loss, impaired blood cell function and a risk of developing learning disabilities. In adults it’s tied to reproductive issues and high blood pressure. 

Smitherman goes on to say the project to remove the lead lines is currently underway. In the meantime, he encourages Hoosiers to test their water for lead.

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