High level activity at North Korea’s nuclear complex after Kim calls for expanding bomb-fuel production

In latest commercial satellite imagery, North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center has indicated a high level of activity around it, as per a US-based think tank 38 North.  

These developments, as per the think tank, seem to reflect Kim Jong Un’s recent directive to increase the country’s fissile material production to expand its nuclear weapons arsenal.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a couple of days ago urged for increased manufacture of bomb-fuels of a high enough quality to be used in weapons. Kim underlined the necessity to increase bomb fuel production during a meeting with officials and scientists in order to achieve his objectives of “exponentially” expanding his nuclear arsenal.

Now, as per the latest report, the US think tank said that the water discharges detected around the bloc may indicate that a new reactor Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR) at Yongbyon site is nearing completion and approaching a transition to operational status.

The report also added that a new construction has started around the Uranium Enrichment Plant (UEP) area which likely intended to expand the uranium conversion capabilities. The satellite imagery from 17 March revealed the foundation of a new ELWR building measuring approximately 42 meters by 15 meters. 

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The foundation appears to have approximately 20 rooms on the base floor. “Given its location, this building will likely serve an administrative function, such as accommodating additional staff required to operate the reactor or providing research and engineering spaces,” the report said. 

The other reactor, 5 MWe, has been operating since July 2021. “Based on the irradiation campaigns in 2003-2007 and 2013-2018, it is probably approaching the point of discharging spent fuel and refueling,” the report added. 

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