Hearing begins with election night details

WASHINGTON – Following Thursday’s prime-time introduction to the Jan. 6 committee investigating the Capitol attack’s findings, the second of eight hearings will dig into the details of former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. 

  • 💡What can we expect to learn?: Monday’s hearing will provide evidence that Trump knew he had lost the election, but despite that, engaged in a “massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information,” Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., said Thursday.
  • 📅Trump’s former campaign manager cancels testimony: The committee said Bill Stepien will no longer be testifying because of a family emergency.
  • Advisers caution against declaring victory: Some of Trump’s top campaign advisers told the committee during depositions that they discouraged the president from declaring victory prematurely on election night 2020.

Watch live:View the Jan. 6 committee’s hearing here

Trump campaign aides said election night too uncertain to declare victory

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