Hara Hachi Bu: The Japanese way of healthy living, weight loss and long life

Have you ever wondered about the ‘elixir of youth’? Myths and folklores have mentioned it and we have also seen it in several movies. 

As the name signifies, the ‘elixir of life’ or the ‘elixir of youth’ can be termed as a magical potion that is said to grant the drinker eternal life or eternal youth. 

Who wouldn’t want it? However, it appears that people who live on the Japanese island of Okinawa might have found a way to slow down the ageing process. 

Well, it’s not because of some elixir as people in Okinawa, which stretch across the East China Sea can be an inspiration for good health and long life. It is because of their choice of food and way of living. 

Reports have mentioned that people in Okinawa enjoy the longest life expectancy of anyone on Earth, also they have good health when they get old. 

But what are their secrets?

Okinawans keep a low-fat and low-salt diet with the inclusion of fruit, vegetables, tofu and seaweed. They also eat lesser amounts as they believe in ‘Hara Hachi Bu’, which means ‘stop eating when you are 80 per cent full’, Daily Mail reported. 

What is Hara Hachi Bu? 

Hara Hachi bu is a Japanese term that means – eat until you are 80 per cent full. Originated in Okinawa, the process helps people to control their diet. 

Interestingly, they have one of the lowest rates of illness from heart disease, cancer and stroke, and a fairly long life expectancy. 

How to Hara Hachi Bu?

Several experts have studied how people in Okinawa go about Hara Hachi Bu. As per the analysis, one should decide how much to eat after looking at the plate. 

After that estimate and separate 80 per cent of the total food on the plate and the aim should be to feel satisfied and not hungry, rather than full while eating. 

Experts have mentioned that this is good advice for overeaters who are learning how to fill their stomachs only just enough. 

Are you intrigued? It’s time to try this unique way of eating in pursuit of a long and healthy life such as people in Okinawa.  

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