Guinness World Record: Make way for the world’s shortest man! See pics

Iranian man bagged the Guinness World Record for the world’s shortest man title. The award was announced on Tuesday to an Iranian villager who is just 2 feet 1.68 inches tall.

20-year-old Afshin Esmaeil Ghaderzadeh, who lives in a remote village in Iran’s West Azerbaijan Province, said that becoming the shortest male on Earth feels “like a dream” after he was found to be 6.86 cm shorter than the previous record holder.

The new world’s shortest man, Afshin is a football fan and wears clothes designed for three-year-old children with the hope that his new-found fame will help him to support his family financially. 


Guinness World Records (GWR) Editor-in-Chief Craig Glenday and Official Adjudicator Kanzy El Defrawy both attended the measurement ceremony at the GWR Dubai office. Afshin was measured three times in order to make sure he had won the new record. 

What kind of life does the shortest man in the world have?

Life in Northern Iran has not been easy for Afshin. Unable to attend school, he struggled with literacy but recently learned to write his name. He was also pleased to recently receive a phone from a friend, but he finds it difficult to carry and use. His parents and the people in his community call him by the name of “Mohammed”. 

Afshin is unable to travel around the village without the assistance of his parents. While he can walk, he prefers to be carried at times.

He said with a smile, “I know who the tallest man on the planet is. “I could probably fit in the palms of his hands”.

Afshin is a big football fan, and his favourite players include fellow GWR record-breaker Cristiano Ronaldo and Ali Daei, Iran’s former national captain.

Unfortunately, his size prevents him from participating in any sports. Afshin also loves to sing and dance and he’s quick to show off his footwork when he hears his favourite Iranian Kurdish music.

How does the world’s shortest man react to this feat?

Afshin accepted that he is liking all the attention that he is getting from the people after GWR announces him as the new world’s shortest man. He said, “Just thinking about being part of the Guinness World Records family is like a dream. I struggle to believe it sometimes. It is like you wake up the next day and the entire world now knows who you are. That’s magical”. 

He said that he only wants to help his parents and share their burden, which now the world record might help him to achieve. 

Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief at Guinness World Records said, “It’s been a privilege to meet with Afshin and his family and to confirm him as the new world’s shortest-living adult man”. He further added, “At just 65.24 cm, he not only comfortably beats the existing record but he’s also one of the shortest men to ever hold this title.”

The last shortest man was from Colombia, Edward Niño Hernandez, 30, who was measured to be 2 feet 4.38 inches tall. 

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