FBI chief Christopher A Wray to visit India next week amid deafening silence on Pannun’s chilling threats

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher A Wray is scheduled to visit India next week for December 11-12 and is expected to engage with top officials from the central intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Home Affairs, local reports said citing undisclosed sources. 

This development comes at a critical juncture as US federal prosecutors charged an Indian national and an unnamed Indian official for plotting to kill Khalistan separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an India-designated terrorist who currently lives in the United States.  

In the latest episode of “Gravitas,” WION questioned the deafening silence of the United States and no action against Pannun as he remains free on American soil despite the gravity of the situation and the repeated threats issued by him, including threatening to blow up India’s Parliament building. 

Against this backdrop, Wray will hold a conversation with National Investigation Agency (NIA) chief Dinkar Gupta reportedly on three crucial issues which include Khalistan terrorism, the nexus with gangsters, and Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.

Christopher Wray’s upcoming visit to India takes on heightened significance as this is his first visit to India since assuming office in 2017, and notably, the first visit by an FBI director in 12 years.

The discussions between Wray and NIA officials are anticipated to cover a spectrum of issues, including cases and evidence against Pannun, the chief of the banned outfit Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), in addition to the activities of US-based gangster Darmanjot Singh Kahlon, implicated in supplying weapons to take out Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala.

Khalistan supporters who are accused of vandalising the Indian Consulate in San Francisco will also feature the discussions. 

New Delhi on high alert 

New Delhi remains on high alert as Pannun, through a chilling video, explicitly vowed to “shake the very foundations of Parliament” on or before December 13, marking the anniversary of the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament.

The 2001 incident, perpetrated by heavily armed terrorists, resulted in the tragic deaths of several security personnel. 

Adding to the complexity, tensions between India and Canada have escalated over the killing of another Khalistani terrorist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Wray’s delegation will comprise the FBI legal attache team, US Embassy personnel, and national security and law enforcement officials. 

(With inputs from agencies)

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