Fans buy pricy bottles on eBay

Bottles of Huy Fong Foods Sriracha sauce are displayed on a supermarket shelf in Larkspur, California.

What was once a ubiquitous green-capped condiment widely available at restaurants and stocked on supermarket shelves has become nearly impossible to find.

And as the law of supply and demand dictates, prices for one of America’s most recognizable Sriracha hot sauce brands has skyrocketed on places like ebay and Amazon. It’s been more than a year since those red bottles of Sriracha with the green caps and rooster logo manufactured by California-based Huy Fong Foods first began vanishing off store shelves.

The Sriracha shortage − caused by a dearth of the chili peppers central to the recipe of the popular hot sauce − has inspired some enterprising individuals to resell their coveted stock to those willing to spend a pretty penny to obtain a bottle… or two.

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