Ex-Trump adviser speaks to WION on reports that some White House records were torn up and taped back

Jason Miller, the ex-senior adviser of the former US President Donald Trump weighed in on the reports related to a probe into Trump’s involvement in last year’s Capitol Hill riots on January 6. 

National Archives and Records Administration said that some of the documents handed over by Trump to the House Select Committee had been ripped, torn apart and had to be taped back. 

Officials have said that some of the pieces were as small as confetti. However, in a conversation with WION, Miller stated that no “sensitive documents” would have been torn up. 

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The House Select Committee was created last year to investigate the January 6 violence, when thousands of Trump supporters descended on the US Capitol in Washington DC to stop the process of confirmation of President Joe Biden’s victory. 

During the investigation, it has been understood that the panel has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and has received over 50,000 documents. 

However, recent reports indicated that some of the documents had to be pieced back. While responding to that, Miller told WION about his experience when he was in office. 

He said when Trump had “been through or processed” a certain document or memo, he would “rip it in half and throw it in the trash can”. 

Miller said it was more of a “habit” that the former President had and added that he finds it a little bit “humorous”. 

Watch Jason Miller’s interaction with WION here: 

US media reports in 2018 had highlighted the point that Trump used to tear apart papers and throw them on the floor or in the trash. However, the paper used to get taped back in compliance with the Presidential Records Act, which states memos, letters, emails and other documents to be preserved and handed over to the Archives at the end of an administration. 

Recently, the Archives said in a statement: “White House records management officials during the Trump Administration recovered and taped together some of the torn-up records.” 

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“These were turned over to the National Archives at the end of the Trump Administration, along with a number of torn-up records that had not been reconstructed by the White House,” it added. 

The statement was issued after CNN and the Washington Post reported that some of the documents from the Trump White House that the Archives handed over to the House select committee investigating the January 6 assault had been torn up and then reassembled. 

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