DelShakes takes creative approach to diversify leadership, vision

Editor’s note: Open Call is a weekly column in which we ask arts and cultural leaders to share their perspectives on emerging from the COVID-19 crisis and welcoming back audiences.

“There is always a squad, collaborators, a body that supports change occurring.”

—  Sage Crump

When Delaware Shakespeare completed its Antiracism, Access and Equity Policy in February of 2021, there was at least one thing I knew: we were going to need some help.

I’m a 46-year-old white guy. When it comes to cultural sensitivities, I have blind spots. I could not authentically and effectively implement our new policies myself.

On top of that, I’m leading a theater dedicated to a prototypical “dead white guy” writer. If Del Shakes was really going to become a company where a diverse cross-section of artists and audiences are free to be their fullest and best selves, we were going to need to expand the artistic leadership team.

Del Shakes was not alone in reaching this conclusion. Throughout 2021, there was a trend of theater companies adding associate artistic director positions staffed by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) theater artists.

Mariah Ghant and Eric Mills in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at Rodney Square.

Del Shakes decided to go in a more experimental direction and, we think, with a cooler name.

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In July 2021, Del Shakes established the Artistic Squad, a rotating, two-term collective of four to five artists, bringing ever-evolving points of view to the artistic leadership of the organization and allowing more collaborators to contribute to the long-term growth of Del Shakes.

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