Delaware permit to purchase guns legislation

Advocates from Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action and the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence at State House rally in support of bills to ban "assault weapons" and require the safe storage of firearms in the State Room of the RI State House on May 11, 2023.

As a statewide advocate for gun safety with Moms Demand Action, the largest grassroots gun safety organization in the country, I have sat in rooms full of gun violence survivors from Wilmington to Dover sharing their pain from losing a loved one to gun violence and their yearning for lawmakers to pass and implement gun safety laws. I hear parents and kids who were survivors of the Christiana Mall shooting this year share their trauma and fear of knowing that nowhere is safe from gun violence. I vividly remember the story of a Dover mother who thought her gun was securely stored only to discover that her daughter knew how to get it when she used it to harm herself. These stories all end with survivors sharing their desire for lawmakers to act by passing life-saving gun safety laws.

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