Defense urges Whitmer kidnap jury to acquit, send message to FBI

Adam Fox was not the terrorist mastermind the prosecution made him out to be, but a broke, pot-smoking loser who was led into a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by rogue FBI agents and informants who wanted to use him to advance their careers, Fox’s lawyer Christopher Gibbons argued during closing statements Monday. 

“The FBI turned up the heat in early June by putting big talkers together at meetings,” Gibbons said, noting that Fox came into contact with numerous undercover FBI informants and agents.

An informant known as Big Dan was particularly overwhelming to Fox, Gibbons argued, saying Big Dan in constant contact with Fox beginning in early June 2020, tried to get him to join the Wolverine Watchmen militia, and pressed Fox “for an objective.”

“Adam’s admiration for Dan was so intense it intervened in his relationship with his girlfriend,” Gibbons added.

‘Manipulative’ handling of the case

Gibbons also took aim at the prosecutor’s handling of the case — noting the number of undercover operators who wore audio recorders at meetings and training exercises. Despite the “thousands of hours” of recordings, an hour and a half of audio was played for the jury, Gibbons said, calling it “limited and manipulative.” 

“Can there be any stronger evidence that Adam Fox (and others) never joined a conspiracy,” Gibbons said. “(The FBI) shook them up, popped the top and nothing ever happened.”

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