Cyber attack cripples Kent County government’s computer network

Four days after a cyber attack on the Kent County government’s computer network, parts of the system still aren’t back to normal.

As of Wednesday at noon, the county’s website couldn’t be accessed. When attempting to log on, visitors received this message: “This site can’t provide a secure connection.”

When calling some county phone numbers, the result was a “call failed” notice.

Kent County Levy Court administrative complex on Bay Road in Dover.

The county’s network was the target of a hacker or hackers Saturday, July 8 at about 7 a.m.

There was no disruption of critical county services, such as the 911 emergency dispatch, said Kelly Pitts, county public information officer.

Kent officials are confident that sensitive information is secure, Pitts said, but there will be delays in routine county services while systems are restored.

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