Crocodile fatally attacks soccer player in Costa Rican river, swims away with body

Disclaimer: A few readers might find the details of the story disturbing. Reader discretion is advised.

In a devastating incident that unfolded in Costa Rica, 29-year-old soccer player named Jesus Alberto Lopez Ortiz died after being viciously attacked by a crocodile while in the Canas River, as reported by the Spanish news outlet Marca. 

Details surrounding the attack are still unclear. Reports from Spanish outlet Marca indicate that Ortiz’s encounter with the crocodile occurred while he was exercising in the Canas River.

It remains uncertain whether Ortiz drowned as a result of the attack or succumbed to the animal’s overpowering force.

Chilling scene unfolds in front of horrified witnesses

The shocking incident played out in front of horrified onlookers who witnessed a distressing scene.

Video footage captured the chilling moment when a massive crocodile was seen swimming in the river with Ortiz’s lifeless body.

Disclaimer: Some viewers might find the video disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.


The incident took place in the Canas River, an area known to have a population of crocodiles. 

Ortiz, a member of the amateur club team Deportivo Rio Canas, had even played for the Costa Rican Ascenso League as part of his soccer journey.

The news of Ortiz’s untimely death was confirmed by Deportivo Rio Canas through a heartfelt Facebook post.

“With deep sorrow we make public the death of our player Jesus Lopez Ortiz (Chucho) may God rest his soul,” read the statement as published by Marca.

“Today is a very difficult day for all of us and we will remember you in the many facets of your sporting life as a coach, player and also as a family man. You will always live in our hearts Chucho. Fly high,” it further said.

Also watch | Gravitas: Serial killer severs a crocodile’s head

The club expressed profound sorrow and highlighted Ortiz’s multifaceted role as a player, coach, and family man.

The grim aftermath of the attack necessitated a challenging recovery operation. Local authorities, including the police, had to resort to firearms to neutralise the crocodile in order to retrieve Ortiz’s remains from the clutches of the predator.

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