‘Crickey! It’s the Irwins’ Season 4 is the Irwin family’s gift to us

That’s because Americans have been so supportive of their conservation work through both the Australian wildfires and the more recent global pandemic.

“America’s really stepped up through donations to our charity,” Terri Irwin told CNN. “Everyone has their own challenges through this pandemic, but America’s been really good at seeing, you know, outside of your own bubble and being able to say, I can do this philanthropic thing.”

Season 4 of their series “Crikey! It’s the Irwins” shows exactly what that support is going toward, from a giant runway that helps the elephants at the Australian Zoo (where the Irwins live) move around more freely to the care given to the Koalas during breeding season.

But more than just showcasing the family’s work, there’s also their personal lives.

“It’s definitely the most real and raw true look into our families,” Robert Irwin said. “It seems to be the most kind of intimate look into our family lives and really exciting time for us personally, of course, with the arrival of Grace.”

Grace, born in March, is the daughter of his sister Bindi Irwin and her husband Chandler Powell.

Bindi Irwin said that being a new mother has increased her passion for the work her family does because “being wildlife warriors, it’s not just what we do, it’s who we are.”

“I think we’re incredibly lucky to have found our purpose in life and to be able to share it together, and, for me, being a new mama, I’m so blessed that I get to bring my beautiful daughter with me on the adventure too,” she said. “I was passionate before I had Grace about making a difference in the world, but now I have this fire inside of me.”

“I want to make sure that Grace grows up in a world with clean water and fresh air and wildlife and it is so important to me that we protect our planet for her generation.”

Terri Irwin said that’s what her late husband, Steve Irwin, wanted for their children as well.

Steve Irwin, who became famous as the “Crocodile Hunter,” died after being pierced by a stingray while filming a documentary in Australia in 2006.

The show includes footage of him. Terri Irwin said their children are very much like him in terms of Bindi’s fascination with the science aspect of wildlife and Robert being very much “boots on the ground” at the zoo.

“It’s a great balance of two wonderful kids who are wanting to keep their dad’s legacy alive,” Irwin said. “And I know he’d be proud.”

“Crikey! It’s the Irwins” Season 4 debuts on Discovery+ New Years Day.

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