Convoy, counter-protesters clash in Portland; 1 shot fired, but no arrests

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Convoy drivers and counter-protesters clashed in Portland, Oregon, Saturday after individuals started throwing objects at passing vehicles.

Police reported an incident on the Northeast Glisan Street overpass on Interstate 205. According to police reports, a shot was fired between protesters and counter-protesters on the highway.

“At 6:54 p.m., North Precinct and East Precinct officers responded to a report of a group throwing objects off the Northeast Glisan Street overpass over Interstate 205 and that a shot had been fired,” Portland Police said in a statement.

“Portland Police were monitoring a protest ‘convoy’ that was driving through Portland and counter-demonstrators confronting them. Officers determined that the shot fired call was likely related.”


Video from the incident shows a group of approximately five people on the Glisan Street overpass. From the high position, they appear to be throwing objects and making offensive gestures at vehicles. 

Portland Police vehicle
(Portland Police Bureau )

Police speculate the thrown objects and subsequent confrontation was the source of the gunfire.

“They did recover evidence of one shot fired but no known victims,” Portland Police explained. “Several officers were required as a group of about 15 people were yelling at and harassing the officers as they conducted the investigation. No immediate arrests were made, but the investigation is continuing.”


A Black Life Matters truck was vandalized in Portland, Oregon overnight last Thursday, setting its owners back upward of $50,000, according to a local report.  

BLM Trucking supervisor Charles Preston told FOX 12 that the venture began in late 2021 to help create jobs for young men and keep them out of trouble. 

A Black Life Matters Trucking logo. 

A Black Life Matters Trucking logo. 

It’s part of the Golden Opportunity Youth Association and does deliveries for companies like Amazon and Western Pacific. Despite its name, it is not part of the official “Black Lives Matter” organization. 

Founder Timothy Luther McNair said he and Preston parked the truck on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Thursday night. The next morning, they found it vandalized and torched with profanity spray-painted on the side. 

Preston described seeing the truck as “a dagger in the heart.” 

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