Convicted Whitmer kidnap plotters ask for new trial, possible juror bias

Convicted kidnap plotters Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. suspect that a biased or potentially rogue juror may have influenced the outcome of the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnap conspiracy trial, if their recent court filing is any indication.

Late Tuesday, attorneys for Fox and Croft Jr. requested what is known as a Remmer hearing — which is a legal proceeding held to determine if a juror has been improperly influenced or has engaged in misconduct. If the results of the hearing show that such influence or misconduct did occur and harmed the defendant, then a convicted defendant can ask for a new trial.

In this case, Fox and Croft have already been tried twice — they were convicted the second time — and are now asking for a third trial — though the full details of that request remain unknown because the filing has been sealed. What is known, however, is that the filing includes a request for a hearing to look into potential juror misconduct — an issue that weighed heavily on the defendants throughout the trial as an alleged problematic juror surfaced after opening statements, and was never removed.

The judge handled juror allegations on his own

According to court documents, the defense got a tip on the second day of trial that one of the jurors allegedly told a coworker that he/she was biased against the defendants, had hoped to get on the jury and would make sure they were convicted.

As it turned out, court records show, that tip came in from a second-hand source — not the person who purportedly heard the alleged comment at work. That person never came forward and refused to be identified, court records show.

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